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HOW BROADWAY WORKS: Building and Running a Show From the People Who Make It Happen

Broadway is the mecca for American theatre and it is the ultimate goal for a producer. But putting a Broadway show together is unique, complicated, and has its own set of joys and problems. What an audience sees is what is presented on stage: the actors, lights, orchestra, musicians, and sometimes stagehands. What they don't see is backstage, where many theatre professionals collaborate to bring that production to the stage. Most young people interested in theatre start by pursuing acting (the most visible career in a theatrical production), but not everyone can act or even wishes to be in the spotlight, yet they still yearn to be part of the theatre world.


Many unsung, out-of-sight people contribute their individual imaginations and talents to complete the picture we see on stage – seamtresses, dressers, drapers, props designers, wig makers, stagehands, carpenters, painters, and now computer techies. They are the backbone of a theatrical production. It is this theatrical circle that brings the stage magic to the forefront. All of these jobs are creative, fulfilling and necessary to create a home for an actor on the stage.


This book highlights the many careers behind the curtain that work together to put on a show. It specifically focuses on Broadway, including what the job is, what the job requirements are, what an artist's process is, and how that specific job is integrated into the fabric of a show's production. There are many jobs in the theatre community where a person's talents may fit.


Although individual books have been written about costume designers, chroeographers, directors, composers, etc., this is the first book to address the backstage environment in depth.